ニュース インフィニティ・ニッキ: 真実と祝賀ガイド

インフィニティ・ニッキ: 真実と祝賀ガイド

Jan 09,2025 Author: Christian

Infinity Nikki: Unraveling the Truth and Celebration Quest

Miraland in Infinity Nikki continues to captivate players with its stylish adventures. The Shooting Star season (V.1.1) introduces captivating quests, including the intriguing "Truth and Celebration" quest. This guide will walk you through starting and completing this quest within the Star-Kissed Wishes storyline.

How to Begin the Truth and Celebration Quest

"Truth and Celebration" is the third part of the Star-Kissed Wishes adventure, following the "Good Decor, Bad Decor" quest. This initial quest involves fixing misplaced decorations in Florawish with Nikki and Momo.

You can track your progress via the "Shining Wish" tab in the "Events" menu. Completing preceding quests automatically unlocks "Truth and Celebration." Remember, you must first finish the Chapter 2 main story quest, "Go to the Dream Warehouse!", to access the Star-Kissed Wishes quests.

Completing the Truth and Celebration Quest

Once unlocked, check the "Quests" tab for details. The quest continues the investigation into the Florawish decoration mystery. Visit Granny Angelica's house (near the water, right side of town). A cutscene will reveal the culprits: Polly, Jean, and Ruby.

After speaking with Captain Hiya, Rico, and Komenda, head to the Dream Warehouse's high corridor (north of the Stylists' Guild). This area should be accessible after completing the Chapter 2 story quest. You might even spot the Grand Blue Crane, offering a ride and a potential Daily Wish photo opportunity for rare Silver Petals.

Teleport to the Dream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire for easy access to the high corridor. Another cutscene with Granny Angelica, Captain Hiya, and the children follows. Talk to Polly; the children apologize, revealing their "Wish Squad" dedicated to helping Florawish residents.

Next, converse with Rico and Komenda. Finally, wait until nighttime (22:00-4:00) at a designated spot to witness a magical cutscene.

Upon completion, you'll receive:

  • 50 Diamonds
  • Memory's Stardust (Earrings) Sketch
  • 250 Threads of Purity
  • 50,000 Bling

Completing "Truth and Celebration" unlocks "Unexpected Gift" (the final quest in the "Wish Encounters" tier) and "Friendship is Bubbling" (in the "Take the Bait, Pink Ribbon Eel" Event tab). Don't miss these before the Shooting Star season ends!




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Author: Christian読む:0



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Author: Christian読む:0



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Author: Christian読む:0



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Author: Christian読む:0