Home Games Board Makruk: Thai Chess
Makruk: Thai Chess

Makruk: Thai Chess

Board 3.9.5 49.4 MB

Mar 11,2025

Thai chess, a game similar to European chess, is played on an 8x8 board. The initial setup largely mirrors classical chess, but with two key differences: the white queen starts on e1 and the white king on d1 (each king to the left of its queen from the player's perspective); and pawns begin on the

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Application Description

Thai chess, a game similar to European chess, is played on an 8x8 board. The initial setup largely mirrors classical chess, but with two key differences: the white queen starts on e1 and the white king on d1 (each king to the left of its queen from the player's perspective); and pawns begin on the third rank (white) and sixth rank (black).

The movement of kings, rooks, and pawns largely follows standard chess rules: the king moves one square in any direction; the rook moves any number of unoccupied squares horizontally or vertically; and pawns move one square forward and capture one square diagonally forward. The game offers various play modes: against AI, a human player on the same device, or an online opponent.

Piece Movement Details:

  • King: Moves as in European chess. Castling is not permitted.
  • Queen: Moves only one square diagonally.
  • Rook: Moves any number of unoccupied squares horizontally or vertically.
  • Bishop: Moves one square diagonally in any direction, or one square forward vertically.
  • Horse (Knight): Moves in an "L" shape (two squares in one direction, then one square perpendicularly), as in European chess.
  • Pawn: Moves one square forward vertically and captures one square diagonally forward, as in European chess. Pawns promote to queens upon reaching the sixth rank.

Winning the Game:

Checkmating the opponent's king results in victory, as in classical chess. A stalemate (pat) ends the game in a draw.


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