Embark on a *BitLife* adventure unlike any other with the Impossible Girl Challenge! This week's tasks might seem unrelated at first glance—unless you're a *Doctor Who* aficionado. Let's delve into how to conquer this unique challenge.
Impossible Girl Challenge Walkthrough
The Tasks:
- Be born female in the United Kingdom
- Become best friends with a doctor
- Become a baker
- Rob a bank
- Murder a boyfriend
Be Born a Female in the United Kingdom
Begin a new custom life, selecting "female" as your gender and "United Kingdom" as your birthplace. Choose any specific location within the UK to complete this step. If you have the Job Packs, consider using the Crime Special Talent to aid in later tasks.
Become Best Friends with a Doctor
You might luck out and befriend someone who later becomes a doctor. Maximize your chances by befriending many people throughout school and maintaining those friendships. As you progress through university and beyond, regularly check your friends' professions. If a friend becomes a doctor, choose the option to become best friends.
Alternatively, pursue a medical career yourself. Befriending and becoming best friends with a doctor colleague will also complete the task. Due to the element of chance, this might require several attempts.
Become a Baker
Screenshot by The Escapist
To become a baker, simply apply for a baker position in the full-time job listings and answer the application question. This job isn't always available, so keep checking back until you find it. Any type of baker role will suffice.
Rob a Bank
This is where the Crime Special Talent (from Job Packs) and a Get Out of Jail Free Card prove invaluable. Navigate to Activities > Crime > Rob a Bank and select your details. There's an element of chance involved; you might get arrested. However, robbing a bank is generally easier than robbing a train, as you don't need to factor in train schedules. Prioritize completing the doctor and baker tasks before tackling this one.
Murder a Boyfriend
Screenshot by The Escapist
Save this task for last. First, obtain a boyfriend by going to Activities > Love > Date and choosing a partner. Then, go to Activities > Crime > Murder, select your boyfriend as the victim, and choose your preferred method. More brutal methods tend to have higher success rates, but the Assassin's Blade (if unlocked) also works.
Congratulations! You've now completed the Impossible Girl Challenge in BitLife. While not the most difficult challenge, the random elements definitely add a layer of complexity.