Crunchyroll, the leading anime streaming service, has just released the critically acclaimed rhythm roguelike, Crypt of the NecroDancer, on Android devices. This beat-matching adventure, simply titled "Crunchyroll: NecroDancer" on mobile platforms, initially launched on PC in 2015 and briefly appeared on iOS and Android previously. This latest release, however, boasts a significant expansion of content.
Developed by Brace Yourself Games, Crypt of the NecroDancer casts players as Cadence, a treasure hunter's daughter venturing into a rhythmically challenging crypt. The roguelike nature ensures each playthrough is unique. Players can choose from 15 characters, each with distinct styles and challenges, all set to Danny Baranowsky's original, electrifying soundtrack. Gameplay hinges on synchronizing movements and attacks with the music; miss a beat, and you're defeated. Enemies range from dancing skeletons to hip-hop-loving dragons. The official trailer showcases the vibrant gameplay:
[Insert YouTube video embed here:]
This mobile port isn't just a simple re-release. Crunchyroll and the developers have added remixes, new content, and even Danganronpa character skins, appealing to anime fans. Cross-platform multiplayer and mod support are also included. Furthermore, a Hatsune Miku DLC featuring the popular virtual singer and the Synchrony expansion is slated for release later in the year. Crunchyroll subscribers can access this rhythm-based adventure immediately via the Google Play Store. For more gaming news, check out our upcoming coverage of the Star Trek Lower Decks x Doctor Who crossover.