Home News After Inc is out now, letting you rebuild society after a global zombie pandemic you may have caused

After Inc is out now, letting you rebuild society after a global zombie pandemic you may have caused

Jan 05,2025 Author: George

After Inc, the latest creation from Plague Inc. developer Ndemic Creations, is now available! This new game challenges players to rebuild humanity following a zombie apocalypse. Manage resources, rebuild society, and overcome the challenges of nature and the undead.

Longtime Plague Inc. players will recognize the Necroa virus, a particularly challenging plague in that game. After Inc. expands on this, offering a standalone experience focused on post-apocalyptic survival. While connected to Plague Inc. through the Necroa virus backstory, After Inc. offers a unique gameplay experience.

Ndemic Creations, known for societal simulators like Rebel Inc., is well-equipped to deliver this survival strategy game. Players must rebuild infrastructure, manage resources, survive harsh winters and natural disasters, and contend with persistent zombie hordes. Think you have what it takes? Download After Inc. on Android and iOS today!


The game's connection to Plague Inc. and Ndemic's continued use of the "Inc." suffix is intriguing. The post-apocalyptic setting presents a unique contrast to the typically malevolent roles in other Ndemic games. This departure from previous titles makes After Inc. a refreshing and exciting addition to the survival simulator genre.

After Inc. is a must-have for fans of Ndemic Creations' previous titles and anyone seeking a high-quality zombie apocalypse rebuilding simulator from a proven developer. Check it out now! And don't forget to listen to the latest Pocket Gamer Podcast!




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Author: GeorgeReading:0



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Author: GeorgeReading:0