Monster Hunter Now's fourth season, "Roars from the Winterwind," has arrived, introducing a frosty new landscape, formidable monsters, a fresh weapon, and much more! Prepare for a chilly adventure.
This season embraces the winter spirit with the addition of the Tundra, a brand-new icy habitat teeming with undiscovered creatures. Get ready to face Tigrex, Lagombi, Volvidon, and Somnacanth, appearing both in the Tundra and other areas. Need to lend a helping paw to your hunting buddies? The new Friend Cheering feature provides temporary health boosts.
Adding to the excitement is the introduction of the Switch Axe, a versatile weapon allowing you to switch between axe mode (increased reach) and sword mode (enhanced damage). But the biggest news? Palicos are finally here!
Yes, those charming feline companions are now fully integrated into Monster Hunter Now, offering extensive customization options. Design your perfect Palico, choosing from a variety of facial features, fur types, voices, and ear styles. Given their popularity, this addition is sure to delight many players.
Before you embark on your winter hunt, consider using our list of Monster Hunter Now promo codes for an extra advantage. And if the weather keeps you indoors, check out our top five new mobile games of the week for an alternative gaming experience.