Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.14: Inkborn Fables' Final Chapter
Riot Games has unveiled the details for Teamfight Tactics patch 14.14, the final update for Inkborn Fables. Key changes include:
Increased Encounters: Players will now experience five encounters per game. The encounter rates for Darius - Spoils of War, Kobuko - Dance with me, and Jax - Support or Artifact have been increased.
Enhanced Rewards: Improved rewards are available for interacting with Kobuko, and Tristana now offers increased gold. Tahm Kench fishing yields higher-tier loot more frequently.
Defensive Buffs: Behemoth and Warden compositions receive an 8-trait breakpoint, significantly bolstering defensive capabilities.
Unit Adjustments: Kobuko's base attack speed has been increased, impacting build strategies. Malphite also receives an attack speed boost.
These are just some of the highlights; patch 14.15, "Magic N' Mayhem," is on the horizon!

Ready to dive in? Download Teamfight Tactics on Google Play and the App Store. This free-to-play game offers in-app purchases.
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