Building a nation in Victoria 3 is a complex undertaking, often requiring numerous attempts and adjustments. However, if you're looking to experiment, the game offers a range of console commands and cheats to significantly alter gameplay.
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Enabling Console Commands in Victoria 3:
- Open Steam and locate Victoria 3 in your library.
- Right-click the game title and select "Properties."
- Navigate to the "General" tab and find the "Launch Options" field.
- Enter
into the text box. - Launch the game and press the "~" key to access the debug menu. Related: The Escapist’s Best Games of 2024
All Available Console Commands:
Activating the debug mode via the Launch Options will unlock the following console commands, granting you god-like control over the game. From manipulating laws to influencing population opinions, the possibilities are vast.
Console Command | Description |
help | Lists all available console commands in *Victoria 3*. |
annex | Allows annexation of a specific country. |
annex_all | Annexes all countries in the game. |
create_pop_history | Creates a dump file (debug.log) containing complete population history. |
change_law | Modifies laws within a specific country. |
fastbattle | Enables or disables fast battle mode. |
add_ideology | Adds an ideology to a chosen interest group. |
fastbuild | Enables or disables fast build mode. |
add_approval | Increases approval rating with a selected group. |
add_clout | Increases clout rating with a selected group. |
add_loyalists | Increases the loyalist population in your country. |
add_radicals | Increases the radical population in your country. |
add_relations | Improves relations with a chosen country. |
yesmen | Ensures all proposals are accepted by other nations. |
vsyncf | Enables or disables main swapchains vsync. |
textureviewer | Allows viewing of game textures. |
texturelist | Displays a list of game textures. |
skip_migration | Enables or disables migration skipping. |
update_employment | Transfers employees between buildings. |
validate_employment | Prints unemployment statistics for a selected state. |
create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id] | Creates a new nation. |
popstat | Displays the total active population count. |
enable_ai | Enables AI in the current game. |
disable_ai | Disables AI in the current game. |
Application.ChangeResolution | Changes the game resolution. |
research (technology key) | Grants a specified technology to your country. |
set_devastation_level | Sets the devastation level of a selected area. |
wagerate | Modifies the wage of a selected building. |
province borders | Enables or disables province borders in selected areas. |
Log.ClearAll | Clears all logs in the current save file. |
nosecession | Enables or disables the secession cheat mode. |
norevolution | Prevents revolutions from occurring. |
own (province id or state region tag) (country tag) | Changes ownership of a selected region. |
kill_character (name) | Kills a selected character. |
money (amount) | Adds a specified amount of money. |
ignore_government_support | Ignores government support. |
Observe | Toggles observation mode. |
changestatepop | Modifies the population number of a specific group. |
skip_migration | Enables or disables the skip_migration cheat. |
date (yyyy.mm.dd.hh) | Changes the current game date. |
This comprehensive list details all available console commands in Victoria 3. While not recommended for initial playthroughs, utilizing these cheats can enhance enjoyment and experimentation.
Victoria 3 is available now on PC.