Heim Nachricht Alle Wunder in der Zivilisation 7 bestätigten bisher (Civ 7)

Alle Wunder in der Zivilisation 7 bestätigten bisher (Civ 7)

Feb 26,2025 Autor: Zoe

Alle Wunder in der Zivilisation 7 bestätigten bisher (Civ 7)

Erforschen Sie die Wunder der Zivilisation 7: einen umfassenden Leitfaden

Der Bau von Gebäuden verbessert Ihre Zivilisation in Zivilisation 7 , aber um wirklich zu gedeihen, müssen Sie sich in den Bereich der Wunder eintauchen. Dieser Leitfaden beschreibt jedes Wunder, das in Civilization 7 nach Alter kategorisiert ist.


  • Alle Zivilisation 7 Wunder
  • Antike Alter
  • Explorationsalter
  • Moderne

Ähnlich wie bei früheren Raten werden * Wunder der Zivilisation 7 in unterschiedliche Alterskategorien unterteilt. Jedes Alter enthält einzigartige Wunder, die alle unten aufgeführt sind.

Antike Age Wunder

WonderEffectPlacement Requirements
Angkor WatIncreased Happiness and Specialist Limit in this City.Adjacent to a River tile.
Colosseum+3 Culture. +2 Happiness on Quarters in this City.Adjacent to a District.
Colossus+3 Gold. +3 Resource Capacity. +1 Economic Attribute point.On Coast adjacent to land.
Dur-Sharrukin+5 Science. Functions as a Fortified District; +3 Combat Strength to all Fortified Districts in all Settlements.On a Flat tile.
Emile BellUnique Endeavor (Ginseng Agreement): grants Food in both Leaders’ Capitals. +1 Diplomatic Attribute point.On a Rough tile.
Gate of All NationsIncreased Gold and Support in all Wars.Adjacent to a District.
Great Stele+200 Gold upon completing any Wonder in this City (including itself).On a Flat tile.
Ha’among’a Maui+2 Culture. +1 Culture and Food on Fishing Boats in this Settlement. +1 Cultural Attribute point.On a Grassland or Tropical tile adjacent to Coast.
Hanging Gardens+1 Food on Farms. +10% growth rate in all Cities. +1 Expansionist Attribute point.Adjacent to a River.
Mausoleum of Theodoric+3 Production. +100% yields and HP from pillaging. +1 Militaristic Attribute point.Adjacent to Coast.
Monks MoundIncreased Food and Resource Capacity in this City.Adjacent to a River tile.
Mundo PerdidoIncreased Happiness and Science on Tropical tiles in this City.On a Tropical tile.
Nalanda+3 Science. +1 Codex; 2 Codex slots. +1 Scientific Attribute point.On a Plains tile.
OracleIncreased Culture; additional Culture per Age from Narrative Events.On a Rough tile.
Petra+2 Gold. +1 Gold and Production per Desert tile in the Settlement.On a Desert tile.
Pyramid of the Sun+3 Culture. +3 Culture on each Quarter in this Settlement.On a Flat tile adjacent to a District.
Pyramids+1 Gold and Production on Minor and Navigable River tiles in this City.On a Desert tile adjacent to a Navigable River tile.
Sanchi StupaIncreased Happiness and Culture based on excess Happiness in this City.On a Plains tile.
Terracotta Army+2 Production. Grants a free Army Commander; +25% Army experience.On a Grassland tile.
Weiyang Palace+6 Influence.On a Grassland tile.

Exploration Age Wunder

WonderEffectsPlacement Requirements
Borobudur+3 Happiness. +2 Food and Happiness on Quarters.Adjacent to a Coast tile.
Brihadeeswarar Temple+3 Influence. Buildings with active adjacency receive +1 Happiness adjacency with Navigable Rivers.On a Minor River or adjacent to a Navigable River.
El Escorial+3 Happiness. 3 Relic Slots. +1 Settlement Limit. +4 Happiness on Cities within 7 tiles.On a Rough tile.
Erdene ZuuIncreased Culture upon creating Cavalry Units (percentage of cost).On a Flat Plains, Flat Tundra, or Flat Desert tile.
Forbidden City+2 Culture. +2 Culture and Gold on all Fortification Buildings in this Settlement.Adjacent to a District.
Hale o Keawe+2 Culture. Constructing a Coastal Building grants Culture (50% of cost). 3 Relic Slots.Adjacent to a Coast tile (excluding Tundra).
House of Wisdom+3 Science. 3 Relics. +2 Science on Great Works; 3 Great Works slots.Adjacent to an Urban tile.
Machu Pichu+4 Gold. Increased Resource Capacity. +4 Culture and Gold on adjacent tiles.On a Tropical Mountain tile.
Notre Dame+4 Happiness. Specialists provide +3 Culture during Celebrations; Celebration upon completion.Adjacent to a River tile and a District.
Serpent Mount+4 Influence. +3 Science and +2 Production to all Unique Improvements.On a Grassland tile.
Shwedagon Zedi Daw+4 Science. +2 Science on Rural tiles with at least 1 Happiness. +1 Wildcard Attribute point.Adjacent to a Lake.
Tomb of Askia+2 Gold. +2 Resource Capacity. +2 Gold and Production per Resource assigned.On a Desert tile.
White TowerIncreased Happiness based on Unique Traditions in your Government.Adjacent to a City Hall.

moderne Zeitwunder

WonderEffectsPlacement Requirements
Brandenburg GateIncreased Production; no Happiness penalty from War Weariness; increased Happiness in conquered Settlements.Adjacent to a District.
Chengde Mountain ResortIncreased Gold based on Trade Routes with other Civilizations.Adjacent to a Mountain tile.
Dogo OnsenIncreased Happiness; City gains Population during Celebrations.Adjacent to a Coast tile.
Doi Suthep+4 Influence. +5 Culture and Gold per City-State you are Suzerain of.On a Rough tile.
Eiffel TowerIncreased Culture and Happiness on Districts in this City.Adjacent to a District.
HermitageIncreased Culture in Cities with slotted Great Works.On a Tundra tile.
Muzibu Azaala Mpanga+4 Food. +2 Food on all Lake tiles; +2 Culture and Happiness on Lake tiles in this Settlement.Adjacent to a Lake tile.
Oxford UniversityTo be determinedTo be determined
Palacio de Bellas ArtesIncreased Culture and Happiness on Great Works; increased Happiness in this City; includes Great Works slots.Adjacent to an Urban District.
Red FortTo be determinedTo be determined
Statue of LibertyIncreased Happiness; spawns Migrant Units (Civilian Units triggering Growth Events); increased Resource Capacity; increased Gold and Production per assigned Resource.On a Coast tile adjacent to land.
Taj MahalTo be determinedTo be determined

Dies schließt die bestätigten Wunder für Zivilisation 7 ab. Weitere Spieltipps und Informationen, einschließlich einer Liste bestätigter Führungskräfte, finden Sie in zusätzlichen Ressourcen.

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