Waven, the highly anticipated sequel to the popular MMOs Dofus and Wakfu, has quietly launched globally on iOS and Android. This strategy combat game, set within the familiar Wakfu and Dofus universe, offers a more solo-centric experience compared to its predecessors.
While Dofus and Wakfu have enjoyed significant success – particularly in non-English speaking regions – and inspired an acclaimed animated series, Waven aims to attract both existing fans and newcomers. It introduces a brand new, unexplored area within the established world, while still including references that long-time players will appreciate. The game emphasizes strategic PvE combat, making it a more accessible entry point for solo players.
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Although the global launch lacked a major fanfare, the understated release is consistent with the series' history. The consistent, if somewhat quiet, growth of the Wakfu and Dofus fanbase across the globe makes this worldwide release a welcome event for many.
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