Pokemon GO's Fashion Week: Taken Over event, launching January 15th, introduces Shroodle and Grafaiai, marking their in-game debut. This event, running until January 19th, 8 PM local time, offers a range of exciting features beyond these new Pokémon.
Shroodle, a Poison/Normal type, and its evolution Grafaiai, will be available through 12km Eggs and evolution with 50 Shroodle Candy respectively. The event also features increased Team GO Rocket balloon and PokéStop appearances, allowing players to use Charged TMs to remove Frustration from Shadow Pokémon. Snapshot enthusiasts have a chance to encounter a fashionably dressed Croagunk.
Event Highlights:
- Date: January 15th, 12 AM – January 19th, 8 PM (Local Time)
- New Pokémon: Shroodle (12km Eggs), Grafaiai (Evolution)
- Surprise Encounter: Croagunk (Fashion Week outfit)
- Increased Team GO Rocket Activity: Balloons and PokéStops
- Charged TM Utility: Remove Frustration from Shadow Pokémon
Additional Event Features:
- Special Research: Save Shadow Palkia.
- Field Research: Rewards include Mysterious Components, Charged TMs, and Fast TMs.
- Collection Challenges & Showcases: Event-themed activities.
- In-Game Shop Bundle: 300 Coins for an Incubator, Rocket Radar, and Premium Battle Pass.
Shadow Pokémon Encounters:
- Wild Encounters: Shadow Taillow, Shadow Snivy, Shadow Tepig, Shadow Oshawott, Shadow Trubbish, Shadow Bunnelby.
- Shadow Raids (One-Star): Shadow Nidoran♀, Shadow Nidoran♂, Shadow Totodile, Shadow Ralts.
- Shadow Raids (Three-Star): Shadow Electabuzz, Shadow Magmar, Shadow Wobbuffet. Remote Raid Passes are usable.
Beyond Fashion Week, the Corviknight line debuts January 21st, a Shadow Raid Day is imminent, and a Classic Community Day featuring Ralts is scheduled for January 25th. Get ready for a packed few weeks in the world of Pokémon GO!