Mastering Roblox's *Pressure* hinges on understanding each monster's unique behavior to conquer every room. Some share similar strategies, while others demand specific tactics. This guide details every monster in *Pressure* and how to survive their encounters.
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Table of contents
How to Survive All Monsters in Pressure
Good People
Locker Void-Mass
Wall Dweller
Redeemer and Hanger
Candlebearers & Candlebrutes
The Angler
The DiVine
How to Survive All Monsters in Pressure
This guide outlines how to defeat every monster in Pressure. Some are random encounters, others are Node monsters following specific paths, and some, like The DiVine, appear in specific areas. Learn the specific strategies and cues to effectively evade or defeat them. Remember, prolonged hiding triggers Cleithrophobia, forcing you out of hiding. Focus on recognizing each monster's unique warning signs.

Image by The Escapist
Flickering lights signal a potential Pandemonium spawn. Avoid immediately hiding; instead, position yourself near a locker. Listen for its roar. Pandemonium instantly kills anyone in its line of sight who isn't in a locker. Entering a locker triggers a mini-game: keep your cursor centered as the locker shakes. Survive the mini-game, survive Pandemonium.
Good People

Image by The Escapist
Good People spawns in rooms with dead-end doors, one being a fake. Entering the fake door results in instant death. Here's how to identify the fake:
Fake Door Cues: Approach doors closely without opening them. Listen for breathing, growling, sparks, or faintly visible scanlines on the nav-path sign.
Dark Rooms: In dark rooms, the nav-path screen for fake doors remains lit, while real doors remain dark.
HQ Messages: If HQ suggests a path without revealing the incorrect one, prioritize checking for fake doors.

Image by The Escapist
This shark-like monster appears in rooms overlooking the ocean. Avoid eye contact; looking out the window drains your HP. Simply leave the room to despawn it.

Image by The Escapist
Turn off your light when you see Squiddles and maintain a wide berth. They appear in dark rooms or rooms darkened by other monsters. Turning off your light allows you to safely pass.
Locker Void-Mass

Image by The Escapist
These slimes randomly spawn in lockers. Entering an infested locker causes damage and entrapment. Check for purple slime before entering. Trapped players take continuous damage until freed or killed.
Wall Dweller

Image by The Escapist
These spawn in walls, emerging unexpectedly to insta-kill. Listen for out-of-sync footsteps. Turning around causes them to retreat. Baiting them into attacking allows a teammate to kill them. The Angler (see below) kills Wall Dwellers, leaving behind a health-restoring meat chunk.
Redeemer and Hanger

Image by The Escapist
Picking up the Redeemer revolver starts a mini-game against the Hanger. Rapidly mash the E (Interact) button to resist the Hanger's influence. Success allows you to shoot the Hanger; failure results in self-harm or being stabbed.
Candlebearers & Candlebrutes

Image by The Escapist
Candlebearers are stunned by light, but don't shine for more than 3 seconds; they'll enrage. Sporadically shining light slows them down. Even if they reach you, damage is minimal. Fully enraged Candlebearers have blue lights. Candlebrutes are faster and only slowed by light; emergency lights have no effect. Shine light for up to 5 seconds before they enrage.
The Angler

Image by The Escapist
Briefly flickering lights indicate The Angler's arrival. Hide in a nearby locker; submerging your head in water also works. They only spawn in rooms with lockers. If you don't hide, it insta-kills players in its line of sight.
Pinkie is like The Angler, but without the light flicker warning. A screech signals its approach; hide in a locker. Spawning rules are the same.
Froger is identical to The Angler (flickering lights, screech), except it rebounds after reaching the end of its path, requiring repeated hiding.
Chainsmoker (flickering lights, rattling chains) emits green smoke before entering a room, forcing players out of lockers. Hide when your screen shakes; this avoids being expelled by the gas. It's one of the slower monsters.
The fastest variation; it appears when you're in or have exited a hiding spot. A screech precedes its arrival, followed by a roar just before entering a room—the ideal time to hide.

Image by The Escapist
Appearing only in The Dredge, it attacks while players are in the water. Use dry surfaces to evade. If caught, a mini-game (mashing Q and E) is triggered to escape; failure drains health.
The DiVine

Image by The Escapist
These tree-like monsters in Oxygen Gardens are non-hostile unless you step on grass patches. Stepping on grass activates them; they chase and deal 75 damage. They sometimes combine with other monsters (e.g., Eyefestation); avoid grass and eye contact simultaneously.
This guide covers all monsters in Pressure Roblox and how to survive them. Check out our Pressure codes for extra rewards!